I got the idea for this post from The Road A Multi Sport Blog.
Patrick did one picture of each spot. I tend to overdo the pics so bear with me. Here are my top five places to run. I also decided it had to be a place I had run more than once. I would love to see some of you do this and share your top five running spots.
1. I absolutely love running on the Burlington Bike Path as many of you know who follow my blog. It is 7 miles one way and it is easy to make a variety of lengths work but going both ways (which I love), going off the path and into various neighborhoods or easily shortening it and doing the parts you want. You can start from a number of points. It is also easy to extend it by crossing the bike bridge and going on the Colchester Causeway! This path is always a winner. I may have bad runs on it but not because of the scenery.
2. I also love running the roads near my house. I can go many different lengths and almost every run meanders along the river. I love running near water in it's many forms. There are mountains to see in all the four seasons and I try to appreciate the beauty around me and not take it for granted.
3. I also love running in DC. I never tire of the monuments and memorials as you run on the National Mall. Plus I get to run with Emily!
4. I love running near the ocean. The place near the ocean that I seem to run the most frequently is York, Maine. I love the ocean everywhere but Maine is at the top of the list. I have raced once and had many runs there. There is nothing like listening to, smelling and seeing the ocean as you run.

In the fall a couple of years ago.

In the winter a spectacular sunrise!
During a winter storm! It was stupendous running!
5. I love running in the Outer Banks. You can run for miles in either direction. There is such a little slip of land and you are surrounded by ocean. I really liked my solo runs with lots of time to think, watch for dolphins, enjoy the endless water. I loved it when it was stormy and I loved it when it was calm. I did not love it when the sand was soft! I loved watching the sun rise and I loved watching the sun set!
I've only run in the following places one time but man would I love to go back!
1. Stanley Park - Vancouver
2. Waldo Canyon
Colorado Springs, Colorado
What are your top five places to run? I would love to hear about them!!!
Love the pics - those are some beautiful places you've run!
Love this post! Those all look like fab places to run! I don't know that I have a top 5. I'm going to have to think on this one.
Great photos! you have some awesome places to run!! I especially liked the photos from the different seasons and the one with the light house...beautiful. i'm jealous.
Thank you for the post idea!
I know I tell you this ALL the time, but you live in such a beautiful place! Have a great week!
Those all look incredible...
I can see why they're your favourite.
How can one not love running? Look at all the fantastic exploring opportunities it affords. Love your fantastic pics as always. I'll have to think about my top 5.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Don't you find that running in such cool places makes even hard workouts seem easier?
love all the places you've run!!
my faves are the Adirondack's and the beach!
Gorgeous pics...those are some lovely places to run! Yay for running :)
YAY! Great post. Loved reading about and seeing the places you love to run. I love to run on the dirt acequia path near my house.
I love this! It is easy to see why you picked those places. I'll have to do a post like this.
Wow...those are great pics! Stanley park is a fav of mine as well.
I love this post.
such a great idea.
How awesome that one of your favorite places is BY your home. The best!
Love the running on the beach photos. This AZ girl loves a good beach photo! ;)
These look like awesome places! Top on my list is Central Park, although I'm sure if I lived there, I'd probably grow tired of it!
What a great post this is. I love it!
Looking at your list, I kept trying to figure out which of your 5 would I really want to do the most. It seemed like they kept getting better and better as they went on.
I don't even know if I have a favorite yet. I am bored with my training runs in my town - so my favorites are probably from races. The most difficult race I ever did took us up and down TWO mountains in a 10K. It was so hard for me, but the views were amazing. The entire first part of the course smelled like Christmas. It was really, really nice!
Mackinac Island in northern Michigan was one of my favorite runs - 8 miles around the Island with all water views. Just fantastic.
Those pics are awesome! BTW, I have not forgotten to post my "ugly" pics from around my 'hood. My favorite place to run is the one I do ALL THE TIME. How lucky am I!
I may have to move to Burlington!
I think I'll have to play along on this post soon. I love it!! Great stories + pics.
What a beautiful place to run! Thanks for sharing these photos of that special part of the world!
Have a nice weekend!
This was an amazing post! I am a little behind on my blogging and commenting, I am sorry:(
About 40 people from my running group ran in the Outer Banks marathon and loved it! These pictures are wonderful:) I am totally smiling right now!
Have a great weekend!
Nice pics! Some of my faves: Big Sur overlooking the ocean, Solvang, CA (smelled like pastries in the early AM), the West Texas desert and the trails in Houston's Memorial Park with the pine needles under my feet.
Great pics! Especially love the ones in Colorado. And you changed your headliner photo. It's awesome!
I saw your mileage on Tall Woman's 1,000 Club and wow, you logged some heavy runs this summer. I'm jealous.
Cheers and happy, happy
P.S. Tell Emily to please, please update her blog, hee, hee.
acequias are a communal irrigation system - essentially diversion channels with water off the rio grande. they run north and south in the village that I live in, with dirt paths on either side. those paths, would be acequia paths.
here's a link with a photo and a little more info http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/water-solutions/ancient-traditions-keep-desert-waters-flowing
these are gorgeous pictures!! I especially enjoyed the Maine pictures....I would love to go to Maine someday. Thanks for posting.
Love all the photos. I did this as an MBE one time...my favorites are always changing; I seem to find a new favorite all the time!!!
Do we have to pick only 5??? That sunrise lighthouse photo is awesome - too bad it goes with the shivering cold storm running photo, right? It is good to have places to look forward to when you plan your runs. Glad you liked Waldo, too!
This is a great idea for a post and I may have to steal it! :) You're pics are awesome as usual. You are making Burlington move up on our list of places we would move (if only moving was easy). My favorite place to run is Umstead park, about 3 miles from home. I'll include it in my post of my 5 favorite places to run!
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