Each year I have several running/racing goals. Many remain the same each year but not all. This year I had 12 goals.
#1 I always go for best 5 and 10 K times. Ultimately I hope to get an overall PR but realistically I am looking at getting a PR in each of these for the year. It makes the year fun. The first race at the length is the time to beat. For the 5K my first race was First Run which I ran in 28:02. I beat it first at the Inaugural 5K which Emily and I drove almost 4 hours each way to run in the coldest temperatures I have ever run in. We didn’t get out of the car until the last minute. I ran it in 26:14, perhaps to get inside more quickly. We both won age group awards and went home with lots of prizes. I beat it one more time at the Red Dress for Women in Hartford, Conn. another race Emily and I drove about 4 hours one way to be in. I ran it in 26:06 and again won an age group prize. We also got the cutest race shirts ever so I guess it was all worth it. Now that Emily has moved to DC I can’t imagine anyone traveling distances with me to race 5Ks.
#2 My first 10 K time was 56:12 at the Spring Fling in Shelburne. I won an age group prize there too. Truthfully there weren’t many of us but hey I was out there running! I beat that time when I ran the Run for Empowerment on the Burlington bike path in June. My time was a flat 54:00.
#3 My third goal was to run some new races. I met this goal MANY times. The new races I ran were Inaugural 5K in Durham,NH - Shamrock Shuffle in Lebanon NH (thumbs up, may go back), Delmar Dash in New York - loved this race, very flat 5 miler, another cold one, Champlain Classic in Shelburne , Shaker 7 in Enfield, NH , loved this race -very scenic loop, Red Dress for Women in Hartford, Conn., had read about and always wanted to do, had a unique mother/daughter division., 100 on 100 , wow what a race, Downtown 10K in Burlington, Peak Performance Maine Marathon, All Women and One Lucky Guy Half Marathon in York Maine - most scenic race ever! If I think about it which of these races did I like the most??? I think I would have to say the 100 on 100 for the team aspect as hard as it was.

#4 Run a marathon/pr - Well I ran a marathon but I definitely did not PR this year! But I did get an age group award.
#5 Race in new state - that would be Connecticut.
#6 Get name in New England Runner or Burlington Free Press - Both my name and Emily’s name were in the March/April edition of New England Runner for the Inaugural 5K. Good thing we drove those 8 hours!
#7 Race with family members - again -did I ever meet this one!! I ran with Steve in First Run right off the bat. I ran with Emily in Inaugural 5K, Big Lake Half Marathon, Vermont City Marathon(half for me),Basin Harbor 5K, Run for Empowerment 10K, Red Dress for Women 5K, Stowe 8 Miler, and 100 on 100. I ran with Jameson - my relay partner in Vermont City Marathon! What a great year!!!! ( Emily plans to run Last Run with me when she is home in December. )
#8 1st in age group - I only met this once - at Basin Harbor where they don’t do age group awards!
#9 Place in age group - I placed in my age group at the Inaugural 5K, Polar Cap Run, Spring Fling 10K, Champlain Classic, Basin Harbor, Red Dress for Women, Downtown 10K, and the Maine Marathon.

#10 Run 125 miles in a month and 1500 total for the year - The months I hit this total are March, April, June, July, August and September. August had the highest total with 221 miles run. I am on track to hit 1500 total easily with only 8 left to go.
#11 Be in the top half of everyone there - The races I managed this are: Inaugural 5k, Shamrock Shuffle, Champlain Classic, VCM relay, Red Dress for Women, and Downtown 10K. Other races were very close. Remember age wise I am far from the first half!
#12 Race a month - I have done this so far with May, June and July being the months with 3 each. September included Archie Post which is not mentioned elsewhere and is absolutely one of my favorite races every year.