Lake Champlain reaches flood stage at 100 feet. The highest recorded level on the Burlington side was 101.86 feet in April in 1993. The highest recording on the New York side was 102.1 feet in May in 1869. As of 8 PM last night the lake was at 102.75 feet in Burlington. It is expected to continue to rise as the rivers that were so swollen previously in the week empty into it. It was just a few weeks ago I raced a half marathon all along the bike path and it is one month before the Marathon follows the same path. At the time of the half the worry was clearing the snow off.
There is a lot of debris everywhere
No hamburgers here today
Childrens' playground completely covered
This is a parking lot
You think?
This is approaching one of my favorite parts on the bike
path. You could not get there.
The "path" continues
around this corner in both directions
This is another part farther south
Tomorrow I have my first race of my many May races. It is a The Maple Half. I don't have any big goals for it. I ran it last year in 2:06:18 so I would love to beat that time or at least be close to it. My main memory from last year is the wind. I don't know if that will be a factor. I am more worried about the heat as 70 is projected for tomorrow and I have still been wearing layers! Whatever. I plan to have fun and enjoy it. I do have some friends doing it which is always great. One has become a blogger so go give her a little bloggy love. I am sure she will also be doing a race report after the race.