In town and ready to sweat!
Picking up the packets.
The Cherry Blossom 10 Miler is tomorrow and I can't wait. My anxiousness isn't because I am going to kill it because I'm not. It isn't because it is one of my favorite race distances even though it is. It is because:
I love to race.
I love to race in DC.
I love to run in DC.
I love to race in the same races as members of my family. (Not with - she'll be done when I'm maybe halfway!)
I love scenic courses and this one includes my favorite routes in DC!
Out enjoying DC early this morning - with so many more other
runners than I ever see in Vermont!
I ran this morning on "my" five mile route. We also walked many miles. We walked a fast 8 or so miles Friday and I'm guessing another 6 or more today. DC isn't about resting and lying low for me. It is enjoying my daughter and the city while I'm here. The race is very much secondary but that doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy it!
After the first run of the day - which we did separately but
we did meet up for bagels.
We ran a second time today - not far but we did it. A double the day before a race? Crazy time!
I may have fallen and almost pulled my daughter down with me. Another smart move just before a race. No real harm done though just a little boo boo on my knee.
I plan to take lots of pictures and soak in the race atmosphere and sights. Tonight I'll plan my outfit but the weather doesn't look as warm as predicted earlier in the week. So race skirt or capris?
This I believe is my first race where I've been in a corral. And guess what? I am NOT in the last corral. I am in the 4th out of 6th and when I looked at the seed times I was much closer to the 3rd than the 5th. But that was from my only 10 Miler which was last year in Lake George and I did race my heart out. I ran it in 1:34:07. I looked it up last night and I had a hard time finding it. Strange. I don't expect to do that but I expect to push myself while I am enjoying the whole thing. I also think it is the first or one of the first times I have raced with my name on the bib. When I finish the race I will pick up the finisher's medal that I paid for and find my daughter on the mall. Thank God for cell phones. Can you imagine finding people in a race with 15,000 runners without one?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! If you're racing too - here or anywhere - have fun!