This is such a crazy time of year! I've been doing well fitting in the running though. I hit the gym 3 days last week for some surprisingly good workouts. I actually am getting more speed on the treadmill right now. I had two runs at home this weekend. My longest run post injury - 7 miles - yesterday went well! It was cold but not horrible. Today was warmer but spitting sleet. It was good that I was slow asa the road was slippery. Glad we got it in early as now it is raining and looks just plain miserable.
I am trying to get my Christmas card done - always stressful. It will happen. It will get done. Yes, it will! We didn't get the tree this weekend. I would have liked to but it didn't happen so I will be a big girl and not whine. I've got my packages ready to mail including the one from Jill's Gift Exchange! I had fun picking out the items for that one and that's all I am going to say!
What am I reading these days? I am in the third book of the Millennium series. I like it, not I can't put it down like it but it is good.
What am I watching? I finished Friday Night Lights season 4 in no time as I did my stretches. It was excellent as always but it had only 13 episodes. What's that about? So I am on to Ally McBeal Season 4, the one with Robert Downey Jr. It has 23 episodes so it will take me a bit longer.
Last week at school was pretty stressful and I don't have a lot of hope that this week will be different. Those of you who are on vacation starting this coming Friday I am so jealous!
Enjoy the season. Find ways to avoid the stress as much as possible and find time to do the things that are important to you! Happy holidays!
6 hours ago
I'm impressed - I haven't even gotten the stuff for the gift exchange, much less packaged it to mail. Sigh...
Oh the Christmas card. Is it that time of year already? Crazy busy here too. Nice work fitting in the runs!!
I may never get to my xmas cards, but gosh darn it I got my Jill's gift exchange and blog cards ready! Priorities!
Have a wonderful week, I don't know how you do sleet? What is sleet anyway? Hahaha! I'm such a California girl!
I can't believe it! I just finished Ally McBeal Season Four a couple of weeks ago. RD Jr. is SO good in that show, too bad about the drug bust, eh? (We must be DVD bosom buddies, like Anne of Green Gables. Well, they didn't have DVDs back then, but you get my drift.)
I can't wait to watch Friday Night Lights Season Four.
Great job on the running!
I love your winter banner picture.
I finished first Millenium book last week - it was great. I am on the waiting list for the second one at the library. It will be a while before I get it.
getting workouts done this time of year is qiuite challenging. Good job. 7mi so soon after your injury is great!
As for your suggestion about making cards from my pictures, I may one of these days I will. Thanks for the compliment. I will be more than happy to e-mail you any of the pics for free.
I know what you mean about the busy-ness - have a lot to do before we leave for Texas... Like your new banner pic!
Sounds like your running and workouts are going well, good news! I'm starting to get the holiday feeling. At least I've got some leave to look forward to. Have a great week!
Love Ally McBeal - they always make me laugh! The weather is horrible in Albany - RAIN!!!! Glad you are back to running ... what's your next race??
Feb 5 - Polar Cap 4m in Lk George
Apr 23 - 5k & Half in Lk George
Hint, hint!
Glad to hear you started reading the Millinium triology. They are such good books, when I was reading them I couldn't put them away either. It's a pity the author died because he had intentions to write 7 novels about Blomkvist and Salander.
I see a lot of blogger friends running in the cold and snow and I still haven't. I'm such a baby when it comes to that. But after three weeks of 2 runs on the dreadmill I think I'm going to give it a try to run also once on a weekday outside. Now I only run outside on my long run at the weekend.
I have completed step 1 of my secret Santa - purchase gifts. Steps 2+ are TBD. Finding a box? Going to the USPS? That may take awhile.
I'm so glad that your longest run post injury went well ... although it was cold :)
I hope that you'll have a nice training again!
Post scriptum: the photo shows a beautiful place to run.
Woohoo, I love to see packages to mail from Jill's gift exchange!! Better if they were coming TO me...haha! No snow in Denver, and I am grateful (65 degrees tomrorow)...I know our time will come but for now I'm taking it. So glad your foot is behaving - super, duper YAY!!!! Deep breaths for the end of the year crazies. I have 4 more days....
Ally McBeal! I loved that show so much. It was definitely unique and funny, yet also sweet and sometimes sad. I miss it. Let's bring that one back to TV!
I loved both of those shows!! That brings back some memories.
Your pictures make me chilly and we are in a weird heat wave so that is saying a lot!
I hope you're getting the projects and goals completed this week and feeling better about it. Only a few more days, right?
SOOOO busy!!! You are doing much better than I am with keeping up! I still have to FIND a gift for my bloggy (I am so anal, I want to find the most perfect thing!) and I haven't written the cards out to my OWN EXCHANGE! Haha- I will be doing cards today though, so I have that going for me!
Congrats on keeping everything together!
Yay for easing back into running--7 miles is awesome! I am barely trading water as far as holiday stress goes. hang in there!
Glad to read that you're running and it sounds like it's going well so far! That's great! I mailed my Jill's Gift Exchange gift yesterday. That was fun. Hope school is less stressful than you expect!
Sounds like running is going great!
Hi there! CBD - Central Business District.
I've been up close to elephants while running a few times but usually at least 50 meters. When running in the camps in Kruger Park they can sometimes be just on the other side of the fence.
I just sent out my blog exchange gift!
I was looking at your new header, trying to see if you were in it! Kinda like that photo you had from out west. : )
7 miles running?! Yeah baby. Very nice. Best show on T.V. right now? Hands down: Breaking Bad. Warning: not for the timorous. Sorry AJH, I flaking on my "ugly" picture picture post. It's alot of work for me to find ugly pics :-)
So glad you liked the package :) I had a lot of fun putting it togehter!
Yes, that's Comrades. Changes direction each year, up and down. I've done it before. 2011 will be an up run.
Hi, I found your blog through Julie's and Johann's blog and think you are great.
I gave up sending Xmas cards a few years ago. Very liberating. I phone folk now instead for a Xmas chat.
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