Thursday, November 21, 2013

Random Thursday

I took this picture at my pool Tuesday morning. I needed it for my Instagram Teamrunnerd photo of the day contest.  I always like the photo word each day thingies on blogs but they always seem like too much work. Instagram makes it so easy!  I haven't been doing Instagram very long but I am loving it. This contest of sorts has made it more fun.  This was for the word: easy. At first I wondered what to do, then when I was swimming I came up with it. I had left my phone in the car but I went back in with it to get this picture. I wrote: It is EASY to train in a pool compared to a weed infested pond or lake where you don't know what lies beneath. It is fun to see what each person comes up with for the word. Tomorrow's word is moment and I do have a plan for that one.  If you are on Instagram follow me at andyjha.  

I seem to have a bit of a swimming theme.  Sharing during morning meeting has a theme and you have a day you share.  It isn't show and tell but props are allowed and encouraged. The current theme is sports and last year I took in biking stuff for this. I thought about taking in my wet suit and talking about swimming but then decided I would take my swim caps. When I tell the kids I got them at races maybe my more materialistic kids will decide they too want to race!  I already took my medals in last year.  My kid who is on the swim team went nuts looking at these!

I seem to be back at my regular workouts pretty much. These days I am at the gym.  Not that exciting but not awful either.  I just go and do it.  Trying not to gripe about the small things.  Couple things going on around me that are putting things into perspective. I know I'll forget and complain at work but really.......I'm healthy, my family is healthy, I have enough to eat and life is quite good.


Jim ... 50after40 said...

Ha, you swimmers love those swim caps ... my wife has several pictures of hers too. Have a great day!

Kandi said...

I like following you on Instagram.
Also, I have no idea why we aren't playing WWF anymore. I tried to start a game this morning but couldn't get my app to open. I need a new phone! Start a game with me!

Darlene said...

I think the Photo a day game is fun too.

Michael said...

I don't think I would ever put easy and swimming or lake, I think it's a struggle.

I am on Instrgram and don't think I've ever actually even posted a single picture..maybe someday I'll get motivated to get on there and check it out.

Teamarcia said...

I'm pretty sure the last swim cap I had had those weird rubber flowers stuck all over it.

Char said...

I tried that photo a day thing for a while but, when I couldn't use my dog for every photo I got a bit annoyed with it. Now I use collect which doesn't dictate to me what I should take a photo of. I use it to document something to be grateful for every day.

Kate Geisen said...

Yea for being back to regular workouts. I know that makes you happy, or at least big stressed about missing workouts.

Getting myself into a pool would NOT be easy, especially on a regular basis.

Ransick said...

Instagram is so quick and easy it has almost totally replaced my blogging. Glad you joined it!

HappyTrails said...

The photo of the swim caps reminds me of a pile of colorful Easter eggs!!! :-)

Giorgio said...

I'm sorry, I'm not on Instagram, although I know it. Instagram is an application which permits you to take picture and share them with the others Instagram users. It can also be a social network like Facebook or Twitter.
It's great to hear you are in good shape. Have a nice weekend!

P.S.: I've just read your last comment on my blog. Thanks for your kind words about me and my coutry! You're welcome in Italy whenever you want.

christa said...

I wondered what all of your pictures on instagram were about...

Fran said...

I already follow you on Instagram but I'm still not hooked to it. I don't look very often at it.

I do like those photo a day challenges too. I'm thinking about picking up one again too as of December 1.

Alisa said...

Look at you be a fish!

I love that the word "easy" made you think of swimming.

Anytime you're looking for swim technique drills I have some good ones.