Thursday, October 10, 2013

Three Beautiful Pictures Thursday

My camera doesn't take beautiful pictures like these but they were both taken in my beautiful state. The first one is where I rode my bike last Saturday.  The second one is near Killington just a few days ago.

The third picture is Christa's Tutus for Tatas Team - a very beautiful sight!
I'm in there somewhere!  Christa is right up front!


Amy said...

Gorgeous!!! My camera doesn't take good pictures either - what is up with that?

Char said...

They are just beautiful!

Johann said...

Love it! I still have running there on my list.

Giorgio said...

What a wonderful images!

christa said...

Yay for Tutus!! Fyi, that snow can stay right up there on the mountain, I don't want to see any down here until at least December!

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

Beautiful. Michigan is starting to see the same thing - especially Northern Michigan

Teamarcia said...

Beautiful state indeed! Spectacular pics!

Alisa said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos. Reminds me of when Justin and I drove from Boston to Niagara Falls in October when we lived in Boston. We stopped in the Finger Lakes and I seriously have never seen anything so beautiful.

I kinda love the tutu photo though, what a way to rock a race costume.

Liz said...

Wow, incredible. Love the second picture in particular.

Kathy McGroddy-Goetz said...

Love the view of Camels Hump - when we lived in Underhill we had Mansfield in the back yard and the lake and Adirondacks from the much as I love being in Ct I do miss those views....