The weather today was great but first thing we were good cleaning bees and got back to being busy cleaning and organizing while waiting for the best guy in the world to come by with a car and take us to Target. We bought all kinds of necessary things including a zillion hangars. But the big thrill for this small town girl was the shopping cart escalator. Really? That's what I said when I asked Emily how we got upstairs with the shopping cart. Here is the proof. Yes, I don't know anyone here so why not take a picture?
Once back "home" we were right back at it and I got to assemble a bunch of crates - oh joy - I am so good at anything mechanical. Several swears later it was done. Em wanted to go to Pilates again thank goodness so I got another run in, this time on a stunningly gorgeous day. What a great day for MCM especially after yesterday. I took the same run since I love it and it was the right amount of time. The Lincoln Memorial was much more crowded than yesterday.
I was happy with my run. I feel like I have been talking a lot about how I like the run once I am done but the runs I have had here I have loved while I have been running. Maybe loved is a stretch for yesterday but Friday and today were great. They felt good and I just had such joy during the runs.
New day new place
I didn't get a run in this morning - Em and I went for a quick breakfast instead. But the taxi drove along my run route. ( I have my own run route in DC. I love it. I love knowing where I am a lot of the time!)
Now I'm waiting at the airport after having both my bags thoroughly searched. They didn't like the tube of Nunn hiding in my bag! But I'll forgive them because they now have free Internet at National Airport! I won't be sitting here long before I have to board to fly to NYC to sit for a much longer time where the Internet isn't free. A direct flight would have gotten me home so much quicker but getting here and back a harder way hands down beat not coming. I'm glad I could come help Emily. I don't think - truthfully - she could have done it without me. There was a lot of moving and lifting that you just can't do with crutches. I don't see friends hanging in for the whole weekend needed. I HATED leaving this morning - would like to stay for the whole month she is on crutches. I did get one more load of laundry done and folded - a simple task that is not so simple right now. I wanted to buy her a 12 pack of diet coke as she was craving it and it is too much to carry (you think) but I ran out of time. I needed to get to the airport for the extended bag search. I got a text from her that she dropped her breakfast on the Metro floor. Sucky things happening continue on. But there are good things too. Tonight she is meeting a good friend for supper. Tomorrow night she is doing something awesome sponsored by Lululemon. We both had gift cards to Lulu and stopped there last night after working out. I may have gotten two new things.
One thing I know - I will look at anyone on crutches with new eyes and try to think of what I can do even in a small way to help.