April break is a few days away and I am really looking forward to vacation. This vacation is going to be some of the same and a lot of different.

- I am going to the coast of Maine. I have done this many times but it never gets old!
- I am going alone. I have not done this before. I have been to Maine before alone for a race but not for a mini vacation. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to it. At first it seemed really strange to me that I was contemplating a vacation alone but the more I thought about it the better it sounded. I thought my husband would be insulted I was going away alone instead of staying home but when he heard about it he could see the appeal. I can do what I want for a few days exactly when I want to! Appealing right? Every time I talk about this vacation I get a big grin on my face. I am a little worried as to what this says about me but I'm going with it.
- This is going to be different in that the main focus is going to be working out. I am taking a bike. I haven't decided which one. I may worry too much about my new road bike so it may be my hybrid. I have already mapped out one route I want to take although 40 plus miles may be too much to jump into with only a couple 10 mile rides and one 25 mile ride under my belt. I am really hoping the weather cooperates for the bike part. Of course I am taking my running shoes. I always run in Maine but usually first thing in the morning to not impinge on others' times. I do like running first thing but now I can choose. Heck I may run twice one day! I also plan to hit the hotel pool, not for laps but for enjoyment.
- I hope to be able to relax and read on the beach. I am not a sun worshipper but an ocean worshipper. Sitting and reading while listening to the waves lapping the shore and smelling that glorious ocean smell will be nirvana.
- I can wake up in the morning and watch the sun rise over the ocean from my bed. I may bring my own coffee!
- I am not one to eat out alone but I'm going to. I may want to buy some yogurt and easy stuff and eat some meals in but I can't imagine I won't hit the Maine Diner. I am pretty easy to please and can eat simple stuff so the whole eating thing should go well. Maybe I'll want to be sitting on the hotel bed watching tv and eating a take out sandwich. To those of you who travel and spend a lot of times in hotels this probably sounds like hell but to me heaven. No cooking, dishes, grocery shoppign.....We don't have a tv in our bedroom so tv in bed is a treat. If I can't sleep and I turn on the tv it won't bother anyone.
- I don't plan to shop much but if I want to hit a store, my choice.
- I plan to stay put and not do much driving once I am there. Relax, relax, relax.

- Let's hope the weather cooperates!
That is certainly something to look forward to. I am sure you will have an awesome time. I like that you still feel too worried about your road bike.
Sounds like a perfect getaway Andrea. I'd wish I could go with you because it sounds really perfect.
I have been on a vacation alone just twice. First time I was 19 and went to Spain for a week. Second time I was 25 and went to the USA for almost 3 weeks. First time I was all alone in a hotel, second time was a trip with a group of people from different European countries.
Have fun my friend.
That sounds fabulous! I love Maine. The closest I've come to vacationing alone is business trips I guess. Not that that's a vacay. Enjoy!
This sounds so awesome. Enjoy every second of it.
Sounds wonderful. I too love Maine. We got married on Long Sands Beach in York. Travey's favorite place is WIld Willey's Burger place on Rte 1 between York and Ogunquit.
OMG that sounds GREAT! Have a wonderful time!
That vacation sounds lovely. I know exactly what you mean about being able to do things on your own time and not feel like you are holding anyone else up. If your husband is like mine, he'll enjoy having the house to himself for a few days while you're gone too.
A vacation to the coast of Maine alone sound DIVINE. I love alone time and your description of what you plan to do sounds purely AWESOME! Hope the weather cooperates and you have a SUPER time!
That sounds like a great vacation! Have fun and enjoy every single minute!
So. Jealous.
I would totally love an alone vacation. I think I'm going to have to plan one!
Sounds perfect. I have traveled alone...the only thing I don't like is eating out.
Have fun!
That sounds like an amazing vacation. I'd love every bit of it. I could totally go on a trip on my own.
i grew up near a beach - 2 miles. now - 250 miles. yet, i still have to be on a beach for 24 hours every other month. i crave the ocean.
It's awesome that you're coming to MY home state for some serious alone workout vacation time! I LOVE that idea and I'm sure you'll have a blast!
Are you staying in the Portland area?
It's awesome that you're coming to MY home state for some serious alone workout vacation time! I LOVE that idea and I'm sure you'll have a blast!
Are you staying in the Portland area?
Sounds fantastic to me! Also, as far as sitting in the hotel room alone, that's what I am doing right now (away on business), watching hockey and catching up on blogs. Very relaxing.
Relax is a magic work, mainly relax for the mind.
This vacation sound fantastic. Enjoy it.
All the best.
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