I haven't heard from you in almost a year. The last time I saw you I had the chance to interview you. Will I see you at the Speedway again this year? There have been other missed opportunities to get together too.
You know I love ferry boats and often ride them in Seattle and in Maine. I hear you have been riding the ferry quite often lately yet you are riding it in Vermont. What is that about? Are you avoiding me?
And to add insult to injury you have been biking a ton from what I can see but have made no effort to cycle with me. Please please respond. We have so many common interests. Surely you can spare me some time.
Or is it true that you are now in McSteamy's camp? Please say it isn't so.
Much love,
You crack me up!!! I can just hear him saying "ferry boats" . :) So sad he is leaving Grey's!!!
He even looks hot in lycra - and that's not something you can say about every lycra-clad cyclist.
Hahaha! And I even know your guest! Color me cool!
Heehee! Love it!
Your guest can come visit me anytime!
Oh Gosh! This made me laugh out loud!!! Just came to comment on your last post and found this one!
So, back to the last one! So awesome to learn more about you here. I loved all your answers!! I especially loved your running story!! Just darn inspiring!
super cute!
Who is Patrick?
I am cracking up!
I'm laughing out loud here! Too funny.
Even funnier is Stefano who is definitely a man since he doesn't know who McDreamy is LOL
Love it!!
Awesome. Though I think this might be more amusing if I watched Greys.
I'm with Stefano...no idea who Patrick is. See us non-USA people really live in a different world!
I can't stop laughing. Great post again Patrick.
I have to admit McSteamy is the one that does it for me. I love someone who's hot and I can laugh at...
I'm gonna be cool and pretend that I don't know who that is. Who's is this McSteamy too?
So nice of him to write to you! ;) Your husband must be so jealous! Hehehe :)
Ha, ha, great post. Is the new season of Grey's on DVD yet? I bawled through the last couple episodes of Season Six. (I won't give it away in case you haven't gotten that far yet.)
I'm about to watch the last season of "Lost" and cannot wait. I'm secretly in love with Sawyer (McSawyer??).
Nice post!
Have a nice weekend!
Haha, I love it!
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