The beauty continues....from a ride on the bike path.
From a ride near home.
From a run near home....once in awhile I actually run.
From a ride near home.
The following is a note from a student. We do acknowledgements each week at school where you have someone to "watch" and catch being good. I find the students do a better job of remembering who they are watching if I suggest they make their person a card. This year I threw myself into the mix and the kids love it. This is my card I received last week. On Friday we write in the notebook of the person we watched and then share what we wrote at circle. I usually sweeten it with a fun sticker to add to the page. You could hear a pin drop in the room when everyone is writing. Has it made all bickering go away? Of course not. But it's an effort to make kids see positive in others and is worth the time it takes. When my friend read what he wrote in my notebook on Friday, he pretty much wrote again what he wrote on the card. He read it as best not beast but I kind of like the idea of being a beast.
This past weekend I wasn't in a race but I was in a very special walk, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. I was on the awesome, Christa's team, and we raised over $13,000 as the team raising the most money there. Christa raised over $10,000 herself. #cancersucks so the more we could raise for research the better.