1. It's very hot here. As in 80s should be summer hot. As one who likes her seasons to be "right" I'm not loving it. It's very hot in my second story southern exposure nonairconditioned classroom. How much learning do you think happens in the afternoon when all the students and teachers are grumpy from being so hot? It has always been hot in the late spring in my classroom but now we have some guy with not enough to do going around checking to see if we have wedges in our doors. No wedge in our door creates no air flow whatsoever! It also makes you feel snooty and unfriendly. We also don't have fans. Yeah, bring back some cold weather. More than 2 months of this before summer vacation would be way way too much.
2. I also don't have my "warm weather" clothes out yet. I usually switch things around over April break, a month away. So I don't have many options and today went casual with my Nike elevators/stairs shirt. I don't think I ever got so many compliments in one day. Forget the dresses and skirts. I'll just wear my Nike gear.
3. I did come home and run in the heat Monday rather than go to the gym as planned. It was nice to be outside and I thought it was time to get acclimated because who knows what it will be like for my next two races.
4. I did receive a couple of emails from my swim instructor who forgot the lesson. She was mortified and offered to come to my pool to give the lesson, extend my lessons and add an extra lesson. My pool is for relaxing and I couldn't see making her get there at 5:30 a.m. That seemed to be a cruel punishment that didn't fit the crime! She also gave me her 50 cents worth on wet suits. I have asked many people about the whole sleeve vs. sleeveless and gotten so many opinions. It is very confusing. But my instructor has seen me swim, works with lots of swimmers, conducts tri workshops and swims in these waters so I may lend a little more weight to her opinion. She is going to bring me her suits to try if I want. When I got into this whole I am going to do a tri thing I wasn't going to wear a wet suit. I think if I thought I was I may have decided not to attempt the triathlon. And why did I decide I wanted to do a tri? That will have to another post!
2 days ago
Oh, boo to the hot classroom. That would be miserable.
Classy response by your swim instructor.
It's been hot here, too, though apparently we've seen the end of the 80's for the week. Smart move of you to start running in the heat to be ready for unseasonably hot races. I have to say, if the weather's going to be this warm the day of the 50k I'm even happier I changed my mind about doing it.
Snowing here! I think Boston is going to be a big difference to my system! :)
I don't like it either when it's too warm too soon. Right now we are having perfect Spring weather but I remember last year I had to DNF my half marathon in April due to the heat.
I'm slowly replacing my winter clothes with my Spring/Summer clothes at the moment.
Things are cooling down here by us although we had some hot weather on the trails yesterday.
Wow, that is some really warm weather for y'all. We have been in the 50's with lots of wind and I am not liking that at all!
Oh that just sounds awful!! Is it really too much to ask for a door wedgie?? We'll be seeing mid 70s out here this weekend which I am looking forward to - this kind of weather is totally wasted during the weekday!
I am loving this weather but I haven't unpacked my summer stuff as I feel like I will jinx it. :)
I like that Nike shirt!
Glad you got a nice response from your swim instructor!!
I was just mentioning the heat of my old classroom next to yours to my students when they were complaining about the heat yesterday and the fact that I hadn't turned the fan on yet. We're on the first floor here, still southern exposure, and turning it on today :)
I know what you mean about the weather. Although I love sun and hate cold, I do like my seasons to behave as they are supposed to.
Your instructor really redeemed herself!
Very cute shirt!
Those first few hot weather runs are so tough. Hopefully the weather will settle to a more normal temperature soon so you can gradually get used to the change.
It's hotter up there than it is down here in SC! And we have AC... Lol about the Nike clothes attre. I don't know why I bother buying clothes I can't wear to work cause I always end up wearing workout clothes on the weekend anyway.
What a beautiful Nike shirt!
Spring weather is really good here in Italy too!
Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful shirt but I prefer the elevator.
As Giorgio said, here spring is really warm.
The part about swimming is very interesting, I am confused again. I have to buy my wet suit for open water: but what kind? Here it's time to swim in the sea and I don't want "to waste" my time in the pool.
That sucks your classroom is so hot. Cool shirt you wore to work though :-).
Curious what your instructors take on wet suits is.
I hear you about warm classrooms! My room starts at 68 degrees, but add warm bodies and in no time I am sweating like a 2nd grader in gym class.
By the by, my blog is completely different...stop by sometime!
Something wacky is going on with this crazy weather, major global warming or something. March is Colorado's snowiest month and we'd had zero inches. Not that I'm complaining, I just wonder if we'll get it all in April. Bleh.
I went to a tri seminar last year and the chick from TYR said they won't be making sleeveless suits soon. I wish I could remember why, I sure see a lot of them out there. Sounds like a good idea to go with your swim instructor's opinion.
We have been having some unusual warm springtime weather here as well...but I am loving it...my classroom not so hot yet!!
I want to know what your instructer said about the suits...sleeve or sleeveless? i am doing my first tri as well...and I am not even cleared to run yet...what am I thinking??
Everyone seems to love the heat wave, and I do, too, just not when I run. Good luck with the training. You will do awesome!
I miss heat!! It's been chilly here and we're ready for spring to arrive! Speaking of that, when is your break? I still have another week of conferences and then we're off for two weeks. You'd be interested to hear that we are now going through all kinds of "issues" similar to yours last year. Yuck.
I hope your class is fun and that you are doing well. I'm impressed you are trying a TRI. I am still stalling on that one! Best to you! meg
btw, I saw on someone's blog that you do WWF. I JUST got an iPhone and am hooked on that game. If you want to play, come find me: runwithjill :)
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