1. I read a book I loved about the Ironman. "You Are An Ironman: How Six Weekend Warriors Chased Their Dream of Finishing the World's Toughest Triathlon by Jacques Steinberg. It followed six people training for and completing Ironman Arizona. I found it particularly interesting having followed Emily in the Lake Placid Ironman as she trained and then completed it. I liked being part of the Ironman crowd in the days before the race, attending the athlete's dinner and watching the race itself. It was a fast paced book that was hard to put down. I would recommend it for anyone who has completed an Ironman, is interested in an Ironman or has been a spectator at an Ironman. Watching Ironman Lake Placid was a great experience that made me want to volunteer some year. This book was an inspiring read of what ordinary people can accomplish.
2. I registered for my second February race the Polar Cap 4 Miler. I have raced in this for several years now. It is usually unbelievably cold. Last year Darlene was there but unfortunately she won't be this year! But I have the friend who ran the Great Island 5K with me doing it and maybe - I think - Christa is going to also! I'll race no matter what but friends racing with you just improve the experience immensely!
3. Loved the four day work week I had last week. This week 5 days is hard! And next week most of the country has a four day week. But not here in Vermont schools. We don't have MLK Day off. That feels rather disrespectful to me that sends a message: We are not very diverse in Vermont so it's not an important holiday for us.
18 hours ago
I was looking forward to winning an AG award again. Next year!
That book sounds really good...maybe a little dangerous, too. :)
I've been at work less than at home since Christmas. This week will be a 3.5 day week, after a 2-day week, followed by another 3-day week next week between MLK and another N. dr appt.
I thought of you today, though...we actually have snow! It looks--and feels--like winter. Even the fact that the snow tripled my commute time from 30ish min to 1.5 hours didn't get me upset. :)
Boo for a 5-day week. :(
I will register this weekend. I think my family is going to come too!
You should volunteer next year! I volunteer at our local marathon and love it!
We have a 3-day weekend. I've got this silly cold that decided to come on with full force today so I called a sub for tomorrow (first one this year for sick day!) Hope that I get the rest I need to kick this! I've got Boston in 94 days! No missing training!
It'd be nice if every week was a four day week. I start back at work on the 23rd and the 26th is a public holiday so at least I get my wish on the first week back.
I agree on the 5-day workweek. It's been over a month since I worked 5 days and this week I have to. Last day of the week but I will be glad when I can go home at 4.
Have a great weekend Andrea.
Last week was a 4-day week at school here too, and although I'm not working at the moment, this week has been the longest ever! Robbie said to me yesterday (thurs) 'Mummy are you sure it's school today?'! I know what he means!
The Polar Cap looks like an adventure more than a race but I'd like to run in such weather conditions.
I usually work 5 days a week but sometimes I must come back during the week end (and this is not a pleasure)!
Have a great week end.
My wife is reading that book and it is definitely inspiring.
That race pic just makes me shiver....brrrr!!
I love inspirational books. I may need to pick that one up.
Nothing better on a cold winter afternoon than watching Ironman videos - very inspiring. So the book is probably the same shot of energy! Can we vote in a national 4 day work week???
I ended up with a 4-day work week this week (I was sick on Monday) and next week I get Monday off! The week after will be a challenge for sure!
We never had MLK day in Illinois back in the 80's either. Don't know if it's still like that now.
I loved In Treatment, I found it extremely addictive and at the same time a very calming show to watch (most of the time).
Having volunteered at Lake Placid and will be volunteering at Mr. Tremblant this year, Ironman IS exciting to be at. Never having done the distance I can only compare it to "thrilling". Many of my friends have done a full Iron, I've only ever done Half Iron.
I must pick up the book.
You've planned to run a great adventure! I will be looking forward to reading about your Polar Cap 4 Miler race!
Have a nice weekend!
Thank you for the book recommendation...sounds inspirational! And I just read your winter list...LOVE IT!
I just downloaded that book because of your recommendation! Thank you!
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