Out of my last five workouts the best one was tonight on the treadmill. That has been the case often lately and I am not sure why. My two outdoor workouts this weekend were fine - one was a 10 miler which is always an accomplishment and the other was 6. It wasn't too cold and they were good runs just not special. Monday's treadmill workout was a bit harder. Tuesday's swim was one of those where I doubted my ability to do a triathlon and wondered who I am trying to kid. I am really counting on my swimming lessons beginning this Saturday to help. Although I am also worried because if I come away not thinking they are, then what?
But today's treadmill run - pure awesomeness all the way!
What makes it work when it is really an incredibly boring activity for this runner who bases so much around finding scenic spots to run (and bike?) First the music. My playlist today was a good one - one of Genius's selection with Give A Little More - Maroon Five being the starting song. Another thing that makes the difference in a good workout is my energy level. I can generally tell almost immediately if it is going to be a high energy day or one to get through. Today's started out great and never changed. I generally just run 4 miles on the treadmill. That's enough for me. But I won't be running this Saturday (swimming lesson and I don't want to be worrying about fitting anything else in) so I wanted to do one longer run on the treadmill if I could. I was planning to go for five.............but................with no great effort I went 6. Another thing that works for me is to start at a lowish pace and increase the pace with every song. I go up for seven songs and then start coming back down. Monday when the energy was less I allowed myself to start back down after 4 songs. I don't do this often but I like having the "out." Usually 10 songs is about what I need for 4 miles. I can't look at the distance covered until I have gone at least 7 songs. Tonight I didn't look until I had gone 13 songs at which point I had gone 5 miles and knew I would keep going for 6. Do I sound anal? Yeah, I know I do but that's me and IT WORKS! I do let myself have walk breaks sometimes (not today). I can do that after 7 songs but have to finish the next tenth and one more tenth before I take the walk break for two tenths. Anal anal anal but it gets me through those miles.
Why do I run outside in any temperatures - truly - on the weekend but go to the gym during the week? There are really two reasons - I don't like to run in the dark and pretty much don't. I don't mind the cold very much first thing in the morning. I just get up and go outside and run without thinking about it. But as the day goes on my mind wraps itself around how cold it is and it just seems horrible horrible outdoors. Weird I know.
But as long as I am getting my workouts in in a way that works for me.............life is good.
18 hours ago
The cold at night, after a long day, is definitely MUCH LESS bearable than morning cold when the energy of a new day is still there!!
Night and cold is the worst! Just never seems like I can get warm. Great job on the treadmill run...I do the same idea of increasing speed each mile, at times. I also love to do intervals on it, it really helps pass the time quickly!
What a great way to make it work for you. It's all mind games really. If you were on the road you wouldn't even think of cutting it short but on a treadmill - how easy is it to just get off? So you've got to play little tricks on yourself. But I'm with you - I'd much rather be looking at nature than the walls of a gym.
Agree: you have to do what works for you.
The mindplaying with music is something I use on runs too. If I want to walk I need to finish the song first and sometimes I can do another song and so on.
I don't mind running in the dark first thing in the morning but it's not much fun. You can't see much. Can't wait till it gets light earlier in Spring.
When I run on the treadmill (very rare) I usually do some sort of intervals or a pyramid run like you described. I usually go by time or distance though - I'd lose track of # of songs for sure!
I haven't been on a treadmill in ages. In general I don't like it very much. One thing I do like it more than outdoor running is intervals.
I really don't like the treadmill and will run outside in the cold, but my new job gives me a gym membership for cheap so I will use the treadmills for speed work, that way I don't have to to crazy math and can just use the treadmill. When is your first tri? I want to come watch!!
I must admit, I haven't used a treadmill since last spring, but when I did, I found that good, fast music really helped. Char is so right - it's all mind games.
Congrats on a great treadmill run! Six miles is very hard on the treadmill but it sounds like you had the perfect storm. YAY!
I'm the same way about the treadmill - sometimes I really love it but I have to play those mind games with myself too. I figure there is room for both kinds of running in my life!
Glad you had such a great run!
Night and cold are a bad couple but also the treadmill is not the best in our life.
However you have found the right solution: good music.
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