Julie at Adventure is Out There tagged me for the question/answer post that is spreading like wildfire. (Hmm I wonder who started this whole thing.) You have time to ask me some questions in the comment section and then in a few days I will answer them. What have you been wanting to know that I haven't told you in all the posts and some of the over sharing I have done? Are you wondering what job I am well qualified for when I retire from teaching? Perhaps you are wondering if I should get clipless pedals. No, wait, that is my question for you. Well, whatever you can think of I will answer maybe. I've noticed some pretty clever evasion and side tracking to some of the questions that are out there.
I would like to tag Darlene from My First 5K Blog to do it. She is looking for things to do while she heals her heel. (I just had to go back and switch the heel/heal.)
I'll also tag CQL from Livin a Little Life to do this. She is a newish blogger well worth getting to know. She has got the racing fever these days!
Fran at Dutch Girl Gets Healthy from across the ocean
Johann at Run Tall Walk Tall Let's keep this world tour going.
Lindsay at Chasing the Kenyans She's one of the more creative bloggers out there. Let's find out where those creative juices come from!
Okay, ask away.
2 days ago
Have you always been an avid reader? Was there one particular book you read as a child that just really hit the spot? What advice would you give to your 20s and 30s and 40s you?
1) What states have you lived in, what is your favorite?
2) Where did you go to College?
3) Do you seriously like snow?
4) What's on your ipod?
5) Was Lost one of your all time favorite shows?
6) Top 3 favorite books?
What is the biggest thing you get from cycling that you don't from running?
I just got bike shoes and clipless pedals. As in yesterday. I'll let you know how it goes?
If you weren't a teacher, what career would you have? Have you always taught 3rd grade? What did you look for in a man when you were single and how does that compare to what you value most? Please tell us about one of your proudest moments.
Have you ever been to Chicago? When will you be again?
Will you be spectating IMLP?
Will you retire to a warmer locale or are you a Vermonter for life?
BTW: I was at mile 22 when Chicago 2007 was cancelled due to heat. There was nothing that could stop me from finishing.
I know teacher's aren't supposed to have favourites but which type of child really appeals to you - the quiet, well-behaved ones or the naughty, full-of-beans and pushing-the-limits ones?
Was it important to you that your kids do sports?
Did you do lots of sports growing up?
What type of parent were you?
Are you looking forward to being a grand-mother? :)
1. Do you think the NEA is more invested in the advancement of teacher's, the development of student's, or being a political machine?
2. Why did you get into teaching?
3. What was your most favorite day running and why?
Thank you for tagging me although I have to think if I'm going to take on the challenge.
Right now I can't think of anything to ask, a few things I want to know are all ready asked so I look forward to your answers.
Thanks for the tag! I've been busy with some family issues so I need to do some catching up on the bloggy side.
Question: What is your favorite race distance? That is running distance. I know too little about cycling to ask any cycling questions.
I also have a lot of questions about the Vermont 100 but will leave that for a more private forum.:)
If you could live anywhere else where would it be?
Belated thanks for the tag! :)
If you were given $1,000,000, (after lovely taxes of course) what would you do with it?
How did you meet your husband?
What do you think you'll do after you retire?
What do you love about teaching 3rd graders?
What do you love about blogging?
Mine is two part (and I'm asking it of everyone who is doing the Q&A).
When you run, are you a greeter, ie, do you wave at an approaching runner or do you look away?
If you are a greeter, does it bug you when the other person looks the other way and doesn't acknowledge you?
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