Yes, I whined my way through my personal training session tonight. "I can't do it." "That is too hard." "Are you serious?" I am sure there are more but those are a few of the statements I made. The personal trainer took it in stride although he did let me know I was being ridiculous. Part of the problem was that the PT was my son! He had given me some sessions for Christmas and this was the first one. I would not have given up so easily if the PT was someone I didn't know. But by the end of the session I was doing a couple of things I had thought I wouldn't be able to. Although I am a very motivated person I have not yet stuck with a strength training regimen. I actually stayed with it last time for a year and a half and then abruptly stopped. Foolish I know. This was the jump start I needed and now I will continue at my own gym. Unfortunately I won't be able to train with J again for awhile as his gym is a ways away. It is an amazing facility which believe me mine is not!! So thank you J for putting up with me and getting me back on another important aspect to my fitness. We discovered J has waaay better balance than I do. One of the things I whined I couldn't do was to balance on "whatever it is called" that I am balancing on in the picture above. Whereas J can do it on one foot with major weights in his hand.

Before this I went to Dicks to buy a foam roller. I am hoping it will help my minor injuries before they become more major. I heard a lot about them on various podcasts that I listene to and it all sounded good. Does anyone use a foam roller and have any advice or comments?
I'm also posting pics of the two items I bought in Maine last week. Well, one was at a running store in Portsmouth, NH. I returned more items than I bought which believe me is good for me!
3/4 zip from Nike - very comfy
Love my new Mizuno
Good job at the gym!! Did you give your trainer a big hug and kiss when you were finished?
Love the pink jacket!!
Ha ha, you are just so darn cute:) Awesome job with the weights and training session!! The balance thing will get easier for you the more you do those type of workouts:) It looks like fun! I like your new running clothes...you will be styling! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Oh, those 'kids'!
I used to like running with my son. Now I am not so sure. He is faster. He balances better on trails. He has more stamina. He recovers in a flash.
And while he is probably quite bit younger than yours, he tries to instruct me even without a proper trainer's license. :) And though I am a bit sad I am not faster than he is anymore, I enjoy our workouts together, every second it them. I bet you loved yours too.
Your purchases are great! I like the hot Nike shirt.
Love your purchases! excellent taste! My foam roller is my BFF. It was the answer to my IT, hamstring and piriformis issues. enjoy!
I'm impressed with your balance! My Wii fit laughs at my level of balance.
I'm starting to look at foam rollers myself, so I'm in the same boat as you are....love the colors of your new shirts.
thanks for listing my giveaway : )
You have a very active family and that's so neat that you get to share that with them.
Love love love the pink sweatshirt. That's my color you know.
I've never been on a Bosu ball ... looks challenging, in a good way.
Funny how it's so much easier to whine when it's a family member guiding us. I've been whining at my husband lately when he tries pushing me during our runs. Even though I know he's trying to make me better. I know I'd NEVER utter a word if it was a trainer. Guess I should change my mind set.
I absoluely LOVE that pink top. Oh I love hot pink!!!!
I foam roll before and after every run. For the piriformis, also roll your butt around on a tennis ball or even a medicine ball.
Pigeon and double pigeon pose are also great or stretching those angry parts out. I do them after every run.
WOW awesome job! SO jealous that you got to work with a personal trainer :D How awesome
The foam roller has saved me, my back, my piriformis, and my running. When I was pregnant I was hiking up a hill and felt my leg separate from my body at the hip in a very strange (and painful) way. Every since I've had sciatica and piriformis trouble. But if I remember to roll it out after every run, it doesn't hurt. Foam rollers are miracles! First you gotta foam roll and then you static stretch. Really improves the stretch.
That is so cool that your son is a personal trainer, talk about having strength training expertise right at your fingertips! I love the Mizuno Jacket, very nice!!
Don't know if I'll be able to work with a trainer. We'll drive each other crazy. You did very well!
Oh, I know what you mean about the strength training - it is so easy to let that fall by the wayside - I do the same thing and I know I shouldn't because then I lose all the strength I worked so hard to build up...good luck keeping the momentum going this time!
Good job working with your son. The bosu is tough! I love the blue jacket. Have a great weekend
I have that Mizuno pullover! My husband tries to be my PT sometimes and he's so good but it just doesn't work...lol!! I just b*tch at him the whole time! I've never used a foam roller but they get a lot of press so I should probably put one on my shopping list! Have a great weekend!
I was wondering how the PT was going after I read about it on your son's blog ... Love the new shirts. I have the pink one. It's great! Happy Weekend!
The Bosu is my friend ... NOT. I don't like it but i'm learning to like it.
It's great that both your son and daughter are really active and you can work out as a family!!
I LOVE the Pink Nike 3/4 zip!
Ooooohhh...LOVE the pink Nike jacket! Great find. :-) I have terrible balance and really need to get back into wt training. When I was a teenager and early 20s, I was a 'gym rat' - always working out, but now that I'm over 40 and NEED to be doing wt trng, I don't. Go figure. You've inspired me to get my butt in gear! As for the balance, I bought an exercise ball a couple of months ago. Can't even get on that thing w/out falling all over the place! LOL
It's great that your son got you jump-started and I LOL'd about the whining. We're terrible w/ our own family members, aren't we??
HUGS from a gray, wet, & chilly Orlando!
p.s. thnx for feedback on the Turtle blog's updated look!
That sounds like a cool Christmas gift your son gave you :) I hope the rest of the sessions are good too. Love the new clothes you got!
How nice to have a personal trainer. It is tough to stick to a strength training routine, but I think it will be worth it in the end. It will make you a stronger runner also.
Good job with the personal training. I definitely whined to mine when I had one--now I whine to my friends and blogging buddies jk! =) (sort of)
I have that Mizuno top in red and black, I got it for xmas. Love the nike half zip too.
Love the new clothes :-) I hope you are having a great day!
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