I love Thursday and the idea of writing three quick things.
1. Tonight I went to a fitness club my son works at to hear a free talk on training for a marathon given by a p.t. It was good. I knew a lot of the stuff but it good to hear it again and cement it more into my brain. I am NOT good about refueling after a workout or building my core soooo hopefully I will change that. I am good about increasing in increments of about 10% as I build up to a longer race.
2. I had 3 great workouts at the gym on the TREADMILL this week. Each workout I challenged myself a little more and met the challenge! I felt quite invigorated after both yesterday's and today's workouts. Why can't it always go so smoothly?
3. This week's question challenge from Christina at Lazy Bones Running is If you could inspire someone to run, who would it be and why? Well, I feel like there are a lot of people I would like to inspire, the more the better because then I would have more people to run and race with. Oh where oh where can I find some friends that like to race? Okay seriously, I would inspire my two colleagues/bffs that don't exercise in any shape or form. I feel their lives would be much richer, healthier, happier if they exercised and I know running has certainly done it for me. It would help remove some of the stress of our jobs and take away some of those calories of all those yummy treats we like to eat together. I would be thrilled to help them start with a modest plan and build up as it worked for them. At this point I am just leading by example. I know I have quietly inspired some other friends to become more fit, maybe eventually I can do the same for them.
Great list. The tread mill us hard! I like who you chose to inspire. That question alone got me thinking too!
I would love to hear that talk on training, sounds great.
I'm sure you inspire so many people with your healthy lifestyle!
My answer would be my husband! It would be fun to train with him. At least I'm getting him to do the 5K with me, it's a start!!
Awesome list! What a great thing for a gym to offer - that is super! And, great about the inspiring list.
It is amazing how much running can help destress your life or excercise :-) Have a great weekend!
I've been trying to inspire my husband to run for YEARS now. He just flat out doesn't get into it as much as I do. He loves to bike, which is good, because I do too.
Oh man, I wish I could get my whole army of friends, including my hubbs, to run with me. Not just because I am selfish and am tired of running by myself, but because of all the great benefits it brings to our lives! I really need a running partner!
Great job on the workouts - Happy Friday!
I think we all inspire some people without ever knowing about it. So keep going…you’re inspiring someone somewhere!
There was an article in the most recent Runner's World about how we inspire those around us without even knowing we are. I believe that! Your friends are watching you and you are being a terrific example to them. Kudos!
That's so cool about inspiring your friends that don't exercise at all! I have friends like that and I just wanna shake them to death. haha. Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
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