I was wondering what to blog about when I got to Lazy Bones Running post for today where she suggests a question to answer on your blog. She is going to do this for 12 weeks! I love it!
The question this week was What is your favorite running moment? This is going to take some thinking about. I think my favorite running moment(s) were in the Vermont City Marathon last spring when I ran with both my kids. I did the relay with my son and my daughter ran the whole thing. The moments began with meeting up with my son at the start; getting our picture taken, sharing those pre race rituals and nervousness. He took off to take pictures of the race before he needed to begin. I rounded the first corner and less than a quarter of a mile away he was on the porch roof of his house taking pictures! (I am in the pink hat and shirt.)
He got lots of calls from the crowd and some fun pics.
The moments continued as my daughter and I ran alongside one another for a short time. Someone heard us talking and commented on our matching pink.(unplanned). I met my daughter several times - what a blast - and then it was time to pass the relay bracelet to my son. He took a quick picture, gave me a hug and was off. It was a spectacular moment! Both kids finished strong and happy!
I loved sharing my love of running and racing with my kids as we all shared this wonderful adventure and lifestyle! I really can't describe my joy adequately.
ALSO ....on another note. Wow! It takes a lot of time to follow blogs and I am not following as many as lots of you. I am enjoying reading so many blogs and keep seeing others I would like to follow (and I love it when new people follow mine) but where does the time come from? And what is the deal with the giveaways? Do people who do this have sponsors or are some just being generous?
Just wondering!
I've just answerd the question on my blog and then read your's. Mine is similar, but the opposite. I ran with my dad for my special moment. Great to see the parent/kids relations here.
I love your moments are with your kids! I can only hope that when my kids are older they want to run with me. As for reading blogs - google reader helps a lot! Giveaways - I'm curious too.
So awesome running with your kids! I hope that my little guy grows up with a love of running, too!
I use Google Reader, but I am only able to read blogs in the morning while having coffee. So, I get to as many as I can. They are so inspiring! Not sure about the giveaways...
I liked your favorite running moment, that seems pretty awesome.
I love to read so reading all of these blogs is great! I don't have to read every entry but I try to. It inspires me to no end.
Great moment! :)
I use Google Reader which helps to keep it organized and easy to read a few while I have my Morning OJ (don't drink coffee :) or during a few extra minutes at lunch ;}
I also use google reader and I certainly don't follow nearly as many blogs as some people.
As for giveaways, I've done a couple. Some were my own personal stuff that I didn't want anymore and thought it'd be fun to give to other runners/triathletes. And one was from a company that I bought some stuff from and they were trying to get more publicity so they offered to give sometime away on my blog. To be honest, hosting them is kind of a pain =) but fun at the same time.
I ran my first few races (5ks) in college with my Dad. Those were some of the best races I've had! I think it's great your kids are into running and that you can run along side them!
Great moment :)
And I struggle with keeping up with everyones blogs. There are SO many that I love though, it does take time. I just try to grab time throughout the day, instead of all at once.
And speaking of giveaways--I have a RoadId one going on right now. I love giveaways, I get so much support from my readers that I like being able to "give" back to them. I can't afford to give people the products myself, I just facilitate the opportunity. (If that makes sense). The companies donate the goodies.
Loved the moment, thanks for sharing!!!!
Girl I follow an embarrassing amount of blogs and actually read every single post, maybe not comment every single one but I do read them. It's very time consuming BUT if you want more followers then you must be a good blogger. Comments create traffic and when you find a blog you like make sure to chat up the author. I've met some amazing friends through my blogging!
Glad you liked my reading list, I seriously devour books! Currently reading "Memoirs of Cleopatra" AMAZING! Can not put it down!!!!
That's a great running memory! I don't know how your son got to that great picture taking spot so fast! How fun that your kids run, too!
I just found your blog yesterday. Glad I did!
what a great race to share with your kids! I wish I could run with my Dad, but he lives five hours away.
I do giveaways based on products that I enjoy, I usually email them and say I'd be open to help promote their product, hence, the giveaway.
What a great moment to remember!
I read most of the blogs that I like during work...eek! I have an office job and find when things are slow, it is better to be in the office and available, even if I am only reading blogs!
Yea! I have older kids too but they don't run, you are fortunate! I loved hearing about the marathon that you all ran together, so fun!
I read a lot of blogs and I check them in the late afternoon. I kind of skim over some and don't comment on all because I don't have time but there are some blogs/bloggers that I have been reading for a long time and we seem to have a friendship/connection via the internet and I do follow those and comment as much as they post. To be honest, I don't follow some of the blogs that I did at first because things have changed but I try to keep up as much as possible since blogging is so inspiring and keeps me accountable to my training and running! I DO enjoy your blog, it seems like we have a lot in common!
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