How is my foot? So so. But I ran a 5K today. Stubbing a toe! Who knew what problems it could cause?
The race I did today is Zoe's Race. My son helps put it on and it's an awesome race. The funds are used to make homes more handicapped accessible for families. There are lots of kids being pushed in wheelchairs. The looks on their faces as they crossed the finish line is priceless!
Plus my husband, son and I all do it. My husband was very unhappy with his New Year's race time. Well he lessened it today by more than 3 minutes! And he never runs! Jameson also liked his time a lot although he hasn't been running either. Me - who has been running except for this last week - didn't like my time so much. It ended up being a flat 10 minute a mile pace. Oh well. It was a beautiful day. I was running and racing. My husband and son were there. People were happy. Life was good! I was second in my age group - no prize though.
The food and prizes for this race are incredible. I didn't win a random prize but they were great. They do have trouble getting people to do this race that don't do it every year. I am not sure why!
While I was running someone ran by me and said hey Age Groups. Well in the short time we were passing I thought:
Does she know I won my age group last year?
Am I winning my age group this year?
How would she know, am I the only old lady she has met?
She high fived me and moved on. I don't feel I was very friendly as I was so puzzled. But I finally realized she meant my blog. That doesn't happen to me often so I had no clue. But if she is reading this, I am sorry I wasn't more friendly, I was just so mystified and truthfully out of breath!
After the food that I ate and ate and ate I went on a great bike ride on the bike path and causeway. It was truly a wonderful day.
18 hours ago
What a fun race to do with your family and it looks like you had perfect weather too.
Funny that someone recognized you from your blog.
Awesome event! I love doing something that includes a great cause. I've realized more people recognize me from my blog than I would ever imagine. I think I enjoy that.
Your son owes you a nice dinner for placing in your Age Group!
This sounds like an awesome event! I hope you figure out who the lady was who high fived you!
Running with your family for a great cause makes for a good race. Sounds like the best kind of day!
What a lovely day all the way around! A run with Mr. AJH and Jameson. And you looked stunning in your beautiful race outfit - perfect for meeting and greeting your many fans! The food looked delicious, too. You frosted the cake of a day by a bike ride - awesomeness!!! :-)
Sounds like a really fun day. Yes, you need an AG prize!
It kind of sucks that both the males in your life don't train and were happy with their times. We know how hard you train - it should be the other way around.
What a fun race! Moreover, it's an event held for a great cause.
Haha - well done 'Age Groups'! How nice to be recognized!
That sounds like a lovely event, well done to your son for helping to organize it. :)
How fun running with Family! Sounds like a great time to me and the post race food looks top notch.
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