My July stats were pretty awesome - of course I have more time in the summer and it shows.
Running - 88.5 miles
Biking - 401 miles
Swimming - 8600 yards
Races - 5
Saturday my husband and I took a day trip just to play and be tourists in our own state. We headed to Newport which is basically on the Canadian border in the northeast part of the state. We hadn't been in years (never together) and it was time to change that. Newport is a gem even on a cloudy not so great day. Lake Memphramagog which is a huge lake is in Newport. We went to the boathouse and walked along the lake on a very nice walking path.
A view of the town seen at the top of the hill near
the Catholic church.
A very nice walking path.
U.S flag flying above Canada and Vermont
We had also talked about working on our Vermont Breweries card. There was one in Newport so since we had driven all this way we looked for it. And looked and looked and looked. We were actually on our way back when my husband spotted a sign. Then we had to go up this dirt road - not really right on the beaten path. But we got there and had a few samples and got our cards stamped. My favorite was Skinny Bitch - named after the owner's dog if you are wondering.
We tried to find Rock Art next. It seemed like we had clear directions but nope. No luck. We were now on our way to find a place to eat when again - the husband not I - spotted a brewery sign and right up the road was The Alchemist. More samples, another stamp.
We found a great place to end the day with a fantastic burger. While we were driving I asked my husband the question from my last post - name 3 places you would want to live. He gave it very serious thought- as if we had won the lottery and were about to purchase a house in said place - and came up with two. He didn't know my choices. He mentioned Pennsylvania and Ohio. If you read mine I came up with two in the PNW and the other was Maine. I guess for the sake of our marriage we better stay put right where we are. Good thing we both like Vermont.
What a fun trip together! Your husband did a good job with brewery spotting. I'm SURE bad dress rehearsal will = a great race! I totally agree about the thunderstorms. Last year I was running trails in the rain when it started to rumble. I decided that my brand if hardcore doesn't include running during lightning!
Wow, your stats for July are EPIC! I'll be lucky if I cycle 400 miles this year, never mind in one month! Amazing, good on you.
I'll asks Travey where he'd want to live, but my guess is he'd say Alaska, Montana and not sure where else.
I'd choose Maine (of course on the coast), NY (only if the place is ON Lake George), or Charleston, SC. Maybe DC if I had to live in a city. We haven't started our passport tours let, hopefully this fall :)
Beer is good!
Holy biking Batman look at those miles. Good for you! Vermont is definitely somewhere I need to spend more time in. I've only been there briefly when I was in high school.
Awesome that you got to go to two breweries!
You live in such a pretty part of the world. No wonder you're always getting out and about. There's just so much to see.
Great month for you!
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