Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm Not Quitting Summer Yet!

Summer's end is rapidly approaching.  But I'm not ready to throw in the towel and declare it time to go back to work.  I have an unofficial rule that I don't go back until after my birthday.  Once you start going back you are sucked in and there all the time.  But I did just find out that we officially start the 20th.  Yikes!  There is no time during those official time to do the thousands of things you need to do.  So you do need a decent amount of time beforehand.  Somehow it all gets done and if I have to I can use the weekend before we start to get even more done.  I have no race this weekend.  But for now I am still totally embracing summer.

I have been swimming most Tuesday mornings and then going to the gym to get a run in. I have liked this recent routine (how many times makes something a routine) but once I am back at work I could swim in the morning or run but not both!  It will be swim before and run after.  After my last triathlon I will cut back on the number of workouts I am doing.  I will need to to survive timewise and I will not need as many workouts.

I have two triathlons in Sept. One is in N.H. and one is in Maine. At the end of the month I will be doing (not racing, doing) a half marathon in Rhode Island. I will be traveling more in September than I have all summer.

Yesterday was yet another gorgeous day in Vermont.  Oddly I had to wait awhile for it to warm up as temperatures are not seasonal but once it did I got a wonderful bike ride in.  I went to South Hero where I love to ride. I went alone and managed to go on my favorite route, go on a ferry, visit a friend and lounge at the beach to read when I was done.


I haven't left Vermont this summer but why would I?

My bike feels quite at home on the ferry.

Taken from the ferry I was on looking at the ferry going back.
Three continuous ferries keep this stop fast.

I stopped to visit a friend who lives here. Not too hard to take.

Time to relax with a book before heading home.


Johann said...

I must admit I haven't thought about the end of our winter yet. But you are right, soon your holidays will end and our spring will approach. At least my training should get easier then. You have a busy September! I have one big race on 24 September. Enjoy every moment of the rest of your summer!

Kandi said...

Enjoy it while you can!! So awesome that you can take ferries during your rides!

christa said...

You are not doing the tri at Lake Dunmore on Sunday?

Laurie said...

Looks like you had the most relaxing day. Our weather here is not the norm, but it is definitely still summer. I'm looking forward to cool crisp autumn mornings. I run best in them. Good luck with your upcoming race.

Char said...

You're draining every last cupful of pleasure out of your holiday aren't you?! And you deserve to. Teachers have one of the toughest jobs in the world so when you get a break it should be a real break like yours.

Teamarcia said...

I am sad things are starting to wind down. But it's not over yet so enjoy!

Fran said...

Andrea I do the photo a day challenge "on my own" Another blogger I follow has been doing it for a few months now and I like it because it makes me look different at things when I need to make a photo for the day.

You can find the list here:


I think you can just jump in with it today. There are no rules.

Fran said...

I don't even want to think about the end of Summer :) This year our vacation starts late: next Friday and I won't have to go back to work till September 2. That's the day I will be thinking about the end of Summer :)

Beautiful photo's.

EB said...

Enjoy every last second!

Kathy McGroddy-Goetz said...

Gorgeous! Looking forward to being up in Vermont this weekend and hopefully getting some nice rides and scenic runs in!

Anonymous said...

You know, if you moved south, summer woul dlast much longer!