I posted: The roads were too bad to do my usual errands so I did my Saturday run tonight. It wasn't as cold as tomorrow will be but my phone did shut off due to the cold. I love running in a storm so that was a win. I misjudged time so I was in the dark near the end. I was glad to reach my road.
She posted: That's not sounding safe. Roads too bad to drive, so cold you lose your phone and in the dark. In a storm. Where it is not safe for drivers. I have the funny feeling you wouldn't want your kids in the same conditions.
Okay, I did respond to her. Not all of this did I say to her but I gave a very polite response saying the only thing that bothered me was the dark.
First - she is mistaken if she thinks I have influence over my adult children and decisions they make to work out. I know that Emily is in situations I wouldn't dream of putting myself. I'm thinking in particular of her multi rim Grand Canyon run and her 100 miler that went up and down mountains and she had to scale some scary rocks and there were many scary creatures around. Did I encourage her not to do it? No, it is who she is. She is an adult and makes her own decisions. If asked I would answer but I don't volunteer. If I was very worried I would but....? I get it. I ride my bike and many bicyclists are killed on the road. I am not going to let that stop me. I have told friends, if it happens to me I was doing something I love. I am not willing to live that careful a life.
Yes, the roads were too bad to drive. So I didn't. But I had my Yak Trax on and traction was good.When cars came I stepped to the side. (Okay, mostly) I went on roads not busy at all with traffic.
Yeah, my phone died which bothered me because I couldn't take pictures. I did think I couldn't call my husband (who knew where I was and what I was doing. I told him not to worry until 6.) I put my phone in my mitten and got it to turn on again.
Personally, except heading into the wind gusts I was toasty. For a Vermont winter.
Saturday (today) was bitter bitter cold. I am so glad I did this last night.
As far as the dark that didn't thrill me. Many of you run in the dark. I don't like to. I altered my route as it got darker and didn't go down one road I planned to. I didn't even stop and pee! The snow helped a lot. I had a flashing arm band. Stupidly I had not brought my head lamp. The thing with the dark is I watch too much Criminal Minds and imagine too many awful things happening from humans. The roads I was on are pretty isolated. I did see cars. One stopped ahead and that put many thoughts into my head. I ran by it and just kept going. I imagine they were waiting for someone from a house in the woods as they never went back by me. I will say I ran too fast for the light and the conditions. I am lucky I didn't fall. I felt like I had great footing and just went for it. It was mostly downhill at this point. I got to my road which is more open and "friendly" so I went in a loop on it until I had my mileage. (I'm that person.) I knew I was doing a mile more than last week but I had thought I had done 7 last week and needed to do 8. I went on the same route and extended it but I was shocked when I saw 9 miles. Part of the problem with misjudging the time.
In a storm . Completely guilty. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE running in a storm. It exhilarates me. I can't really describe how much I like it. Vermont winter storms and running just float my boat.
So there it is. To me .........a chance worth taking.
Here are a few more pics from when my phone was working.
This is near the beginning.
This sheep bleated as I went by so I went back to say hi and take a picture.
A beautiful spot where I seem to keep taking pictures from different angles.
It was starting to get dark but not too badly yet. I was hoofing it for me!
The top picture was just before I finished. I got home and was tired but felt great!