This morning I had an
awesome 8 mile pace run. I ran an 8 mile race on Sunday plus 8 miles yesterday so I guess 8 is my number at the moment. T came early (6:30) to run with me. Usually we chat and catch up but when I am doing a pace run I need all my energy to try and make the pace. I was going for a 9:45 which is my dream marathon pace. The temperature was 58 degrees when we started. Bliss! I had originally told T I was going to run in Burlington today because I would be there anyways and the road has been closed this week. But I haven't run with T in forever and we decided to take a chance on the road closure. We came to signs within the first mile that clearly showed they would be back working on the road today. I yelled to T to stop and we talked it over. We decided to still take a chance that we could get by the road work on the way back by going through the woods. The other side was a drop to the river and not passable. So we continued on.
The first mile was 9:46 which wasn't great because my first mile tends to be faster so I wasn't sure if this meant I wouldn't be able to hold my pace. The first four miles are slightly to more than slightly up hill. There is a downhill but it is the first thing I come to and I am so not ready to take advantage of a downhill yet! The second mile was 9:43 which I was pleased with because I tend to slow down here. The next two miles were 9:56 and 9:58 which I would have liked to have been faster but they weren't terrible as these two miles have some hills. I was thinking I could make up the difference on the way home. T had been leading for the uphill portion but we changed for the way back. I looked at my watch at each mile. I though I was putting in a very good effort for Miles 5 + 6 but my watch showed 9:44. I decided I wouldn't make up the difference after all. (When I got home and looked each of those miles were 8:44 in fact so I was doing a great job making up the earlier miles after all.) Mile 7 was 8:50 so I finally thought I was gaining some ground. My last mile is always a slow one for me from being tired and two hills at the end. I did it in 9:43 so I was thrilled! My overall pace was 9:26 which was a nice confidence booster for me!
BUT let me get back to the road closure. On our way back sure enough the road was closed but we continued on by the sign announcing this. Going another route would have been a lot farther on foot and we both had places to be. When we came to the road work a culvert was being dug. The men stopped the backhoe and told us to come through. My question was where as we were staring at a deep ditch, the drop off to the river and the backhoe itself. Well, they motioned us to walk along the edge of the backhoe and the rocks next to it. I gingerly walked along as we both kept repeating thanks so much! I would have loved a picture of it but besides the fact that I didn't bring my camera that would have stretched their patience to a breaking point!
"Yes we did stop our work to let you through our construction site even though it was clearly posted as closed and you want us to what as you cross through???!@#$%^&*"
Monday I ran 4 miles on the dirt road near my house somewhat back and forth to fit in my four miles since my main route was closed. That worked out fine. Tuesday I also ran 8 miles and headed along the river section I don't often go by. When I got to the bottom of the road I turned right and ran along a state road. I never go this way. It is very flat and boring and there is heavy traffic with a very small shoulder. I ran along it for about 2 1/2 miles and then turned around. At some point I noticed that both sides of the road I was running beside with basically no shoulder were heavily covered with poison parsnip. My husband has been warning me about this plant all summer. I realized that if I had to get off the road more it would not be good.
Wild parsnip is a nonnative, invasive plant that is rapidly increasing in many areas of
Vermont. This plant, native to Europe and Asia, is in the Umbelliferae family (also known as
the Apiaceae family or in common terms, the parsley or carrot family) and is believed to have
been introduced as a vegetable plant as the taproots are edible. As wild parsnip has spread
within Vermont, so has the realization that human exposure often leads to serious burns and
blisters on the arms and legs. Being able to readily identify wild parsnip will minimize
inadvertent and excessive exposure to this plant and the often painful results that follow.
I did manage to get home without any poison parsnip incidents but I will continue to be careful as this plant is nothing to mess around with.
I Fitness Belt Review
I received an
I Fitness Belt to try out and review. First let me say that I do tend to use a belt when I run to carry various items. I prefer the belt to an arm holder for my Ipod unless I am on a treadmill. I have used a variety of belts with some satisfaction but none have stayed in place and
NOT MOVED like this one. I had read this on other blogs but didn't quite believe me! I love it. I got the double pouch so I could carry my Ipod, camera, phone, sport beans...........whatever. I must say I love it!