The weather forecast was lots of rain and thunderstorms. I had packed my bike and my running clothes as I had an appointment in Burlington mid afternoon and planned to do both afterwards.
When I went to work it was raining.
During the work day it was pouring.
When I went to my appointment it was sprinkling.
It is now raining cats and dogs.
All of these pictures were taken on my run. A vast improvement
over what it had been.
But earlier today...........the weather cooperated.
I headed for the bike path figuring I would give it a try. During my bike ride it sprinkled with some sun thrown in. During my run it was sunny. It was a GREAT day on the bike path. It wasn't crowded. You could go fast on the bike path at least until those annoying road crossings which came rather frequently.
But I had fun, lots of fun! The only problem was I had to pee badly on the bike. I had my place all picked out but when I got there it was closed. Oops. I finished the bike ride and got ready to run, not a quick transition at all. I need to work on that but I was working out of my car, I had to lock up my bike and nothing was ready. Then I headed out for the run, at first going very slowly as I had not gotten to the bathroom yet but this time at least it was open. Whew. Then I could settle down to business. Well kind of. Even though I didn't ride that far on anything remotely hard (15 miles) my legs were heavy. And they stayed that way. Let's hope I can do a better job picking it up on the day of the triathlon. I feed off other runners in races and there may not be any other runners left by the time I am running! It's all good though. First tri - automatic PR and it will be all about finishing particularly that dumb swim. Back to today. I had a great run in spite of heavy legs. I loved being on the bike path. It was beautiful out (a bit muggy) by that time and I loved fitting both these things in easily "after work." I drove home with a big smile on my face.

These pictures are for the Black Knight - Coast Guard boat
and Station.
First I made a quick stop to see my son and his dog, get a cup of coffee and a seltzer from him and change my clothes - a real bonus!
This picture is for Kandi who wondered why I didn't
post any after my last visit to Jax.
I am hoping to ride my bike to work tomorrow. The forecast is iffy as the whole week seems to be.
I have had 3 appointments in the last two days. The first one was with my doctor. I found out part of why Saturday's long run was particularly unpleasant. I have a bad yeast infection. She seemed incredulous that I had run not one but both weekend days. She knows me though as she didn't even try to tell me to stop running but did let me know the best thing I could do was
to run in the nude! (Keep those areas cool and dry. Sorry if TMI.) Somehow she knew I wouldn't be following that suggestion but I did tell her about
Ewa's report of Bay to Breakers.
Next appointment was with my oral surgeon who informed me I still couldn't swim and continued to need to eat soft foods. Really? Wow. I wasn't expecting that. It will be at least 3 weeks in between swimming. I am getting worried about that.
Last appointment was with the dermatologist and all my moles look fine. Big whew. I didn't have time to read a word from my book at either of these appointments today which is partly why I had so much time on the bike path! Love it! Doctors right on time are the best. My own doctor was rather late I will say but I love her so much I forgive her.
Here's hoping to more good runs, rides and swims to all of us.