I ran 29.9 miles last week. I guess I should have added it up sooner so I could go one more tenth and change the tens digit! Sunday I ran 10 after my race on Saturday. I wasn't tired at all. I got up and ran earlier than usual since I was volunteering in a race more than an hour away and needed to be there on time. As I was running in my third mile I heard a lot of noise and suddenly a horse was running past me. The problem is this horse had no rider. I am not a horse fan and they scare me a fair amount, especially on their own. But he didn't seem real comforted by me either. (Full disclosure - it was a pretty small horse, for all I know it was a large pony but it still startled me.) The rest of the run was less eventful. I felt good about my pace and the time went by quickly. Once home I barely had time to stretch and shower before I headed off.
It took a long time to get to the race. The location was changed from previous years and even farther away. I got there on time and helped with registration. Man do people have bad handwriting. It was hard to read what they had written to transfer it to the bib! Then I got to be one of two clickers at the finish. This was an easy job except it was majorly freezing out. I had not brought all the warm clothes I might have because I hurried so. I managed though as I have had volunteers out in some pretty cold temperatures for me! I also helped to clean up some after but was anxious to get going as my son was home and I wanted to get there!
The birthday shopping I talked about in my last post was for my son's birthday which is Thursday. Head on over to his blog and wish him a happy birthday if you want! Become a follower of his blog! He is my April Fools baby although I wasn't feeling too funny or playing many jokes the day he was born!
Monday I worked out at the gym. I wasn't looking forward to it. It was a long day at school, no fun penguin eggs to divert us, and the treadmill is rarely something I look forward to. I got my clothes changed, grabbed my Ipod and discovered I had not packed my headphones! Can you say "Oh No however did you complete that workout on the treadmill with no Ipod to use in a gym that has no tv???" Well, it wasn't easy and if I wasn't such a goal oriented person I probably would have packed up and just headed for home. But I got the job done. Even though I didn't have a great workout I ran into a couple people I hadn't talked with in a long time and had a couple of great conversations (kids applying for college, moving away from home, upcoming vacation) so I left in quite a good mood!
Tuesday I worked out again at the gym. I had my Ipod. I had my headphones. BUT my Ipod had been on apparently and the battery was gone!!! Hello??? Again no Ipod???? So I did my tempo run with no music. I worked hard hard hard. I wanted to give up and stop but I didn't!!! Yeah me!
Christina at Lazy Bones Running posed the question about what is the most interesting thing you have seen on a run. I already wrote about my riderless horse on Sunday. The question reminded me about a run on the Outer Banks a year ago. I was up early running on a stretch of beach that was pretty deserted. When I looked toward the sand dunes I saw a man doing yoga - naked! He was pretty hidden except from early morning runners who like to take in all the sights a beach has to offer.
10 hours ago