Saturday, April 2, 2011

Running The Natural Anesthesia

When I am in my car and I see someone out running I am always envious.

When I am done my run and thinking about the next day's run, I can be giddy with excitement and anticipation. (Okay I may be exaggerating just a bit here.)

But when I am in the middle of a run (like todays) I am thinking about it being over, figuring out the number of miles left and wondering how long it will take me.  I am thinking about how tired I am, how slowly I am running, worrying if I will be running like this in my next race, wondering if I will be last in my next race running my current pace........and on and on.  You get the picture.  Where does all this negativism come from?  These questions and more were coursing through my mind on today's run.  Every run isn't like this but there certainly are those days.  Where did all that happy anticipation fly away to?  Why do I feel like I am running on empty?

"Will every racer beat me including this future version of AJH?"

But later today when I saw someone running, yes I was envious.

When I thought about my Sunday run, I was eager to get to it.  I know I will do better.

When I thought about my race next Saturday it was with eager anticipation.

Does running give you naturally that anesthesia that makes you forget the unpleasant parts?  


A Prelude To... said...

Too right on! I totally get your point :D
Been there, done that...often!

Paul said...

Oh yes. Especially in marathons...,you forget the pain ...until mile 24 in the next ace when you say "ugh...NOW I REMEMBER..THIS IS HARD..what was I thinking?"

2 Slow 4 Boston said...

Usually when done running, I think about my sense of accomplishment. I don't think much about the next run until I have to get up the next day.

Running is an anesthesia!

Christina said...

You hit jackpot with this post.
I am always envious when I see people running and I am driving. And when I am running, sometimes I wonder why does it takes so long.

Lindsay said...

i know exactly what you mean!! what is wrong with us :) i wonder why this is... sometimes i drive home from work and see other people running and i am jealous, yet when i get home i don't really want to go out and run anymore.

Jill said...

I always look at people running and think how effortless they are running and why it never looked like that for me (or at least felt like it). Today I passed a guy who was just moving so gracefully (I was on my bike, of course)...I was totally envious!

Char said...

I go to speed session every week and think "This week I will not let fatigue slow me down" and every week around the middle of the session I think "Two more reps!! Better slow so I can get the last one done." I totally get where you're coming from.

Amy said...

So true! I have often felt like the half marathons I ran had a lot in common with giving birth to a baby - there is this long, gradual preparation your body has to endure, then the big day itself which is exciting but also very painful at moments (so much so that you tell yourself you will NEVER do this again), and then you cross the finish line and feel that sense of elation...and soon after you forget the pain and before you know it, you are signed up (or knocked up!) once again!

TP said...

For me some runs are better than others. Sometimes it all comes together although, more often than not, it's a sweaty mess. I do always think everyone looks flawless running, and I look like I'm one step away from dying. Lol - but at the end of a run I alway feel good ... sometimes it's relief that I'm done, and sometimes it's a feeling of accomplishment.

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

It's the same with races... When I was in the second half of the race yesterday (only a 4 mile race, too) I couldn't wait for it to be over and wondered why I ever sign up for races. But I keep signing up. It's hard when we're doing it and when it's over - what a feeling of accomplishment!

Jennifer said...

The same happened to me yesterday, up the long hill, waiting for it to be over, counting the minutes, on the way back mile 8 or so, wow I am kicking ass pushing my limits. I always look and watch when I see someone running, it's like I have no control.

Ewa said...

There is a guy in my neighborhood I loved to hate. I see him running every day, all times of the day. Does he ever stop? What is worse he seems to be running totally effortlessly and fast.
Now that I run without my Garmin and run just for fun I am enjoying it so much more and don't envy that guy. I still admire his style but I am a lot more comfortable with what I am doing.

Jenn said...

Running and Childbirth!! Similar thoughts;)

I totally get this post! You nailed it. Hope your Sunday run goes well!

Fran said...

This is so recognizable! I have the same feelings. My last three runs were horrible but I can't wait to go back to it tomorrow. And when I see other people running I want to run too :)

Darlene said...

OMG That is exactly me!!!!!!! One more thing - when I read in blogs about runners my age (like AJH) who run so much and run so fast, I get those negatives thoughts too. Why can't I?

I'm glad to read that you too have negative thoughts & it's not just me.

Unknown said...

i am squarely in the camp of seeing runners and being envious.

misszippy said...

Oh yes. I always say it's just like childbirth in that way!

Giorgio said...
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Giorgio said...

I disagree with you. I really think that when we, runners, see someone running we aren't envious.
On the contrary, people who don't run, swim and bike are sometimes envious when they see a runner :)

Generation X (Slomohusky) said...

when i ride in the car with my kiddos, they always point out the runners. especially my daughter. whenever they see someone running they yell out - "kicking some asphalt!"

Richelle said...

I'm the same way! I always forget about how awful I feel during a race or training run. I guess it's the feeling of accomplishment I have after a hard effort that keeps me coming back for more.

LookingUpAgain said...

I agree. During many of my runs all I can think about is how fat and slow I feel. I just want to stop, walk, and call it quits. However, when I'm done, I can't wait to log my miles on Daily Mile, write a blog post, and plan my outfit for my next run :)

I saw runners for a race I wanted to enter but couldn't because of a wedding this weekend. I honked my horn and cheered for them in my car. Even though I was doing 60+ on the highway I could see them on the road of the state park the highway passes :) Was sad I wasn't running with them :(

Anonymous said...

It's sooo true, I always get envious when I see a runner out while I'm driving. Bummer to see them in a race you wanted to do!

My race is being held in a National Park, so if the gov't shuts down on Friday, it will be post-poned, if not it's a go. So, basically I won't know until Friday (I know, RIGHT????) I don't know what to do, just run my week normally or taper (which I've kind of been doing since National) :)

middleagedrunner said...

I have already forgotten the pain of yesterdays half and am looking forward to hitting the road again ASAP. this, after officially declaring myself "retired" at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon! HAH! How quickly we forget.

Fruit Fly said...

I feel like I could have written this post!

I can't see a single runner when I'm driving somewhere without looking longingly. I want to be the one running - rain or shine. Also, I can't watch anyone running without trying to notice everything about them. . . their clothing, accessories, shoes, form, breathing. I try to learn from everyone - but in the back of my mind decide if I could beat them in a race or not!