I had a 3 day weekend and had planned all along to go to Maine. At one point my son was coming with me but he bailed on me to work and see college friends coming into town. I ended up getting my friend Cathy to come which was great because Cathy = Lots of biking. If I had gone with Jameson I wouldn't have taken my bike. We were there for 3 days and the weather was cool but not too bad and not raining. I'll take it. Of course the last day was the best, the day we had to leave. Isn't that always the case?
Each ride had the same conversation pre ride about what to wear. We generally wore bike shorts with pants over them, a headband under the helmet, a bike shirt (short sleeve), a long sleeve shirt and a jacket as well as gloves with fingers. Cathy had some toe things to go over her shoes which I want.
The first ride was Friday. I had been a little worried it was going to be raining so getting in a good ride was awesome. We rode around the Nubble Point Lighthouse, up to Ogunquit and back around the lighthouse. Cathy immediately fell in love with my favorite route which made it even more fun. Friday's ride was 23 miles. We then went to a near by place for dinner - lobster macaroni and cheese. It was incredible. Then a little shopping in Kittery which was mostly a fail as everything was closing.
I'm really styling with the bright headband but at least I'm warm.
In Ogunquit with my beloved bike!
Saturday was our chance for a longer bike ride. We decided to do the ride I did last spring but extend it by riding up to Old Orchard. It is definitely not a ride that is as the crow flies because you have to go to great lengths to go around the "tidal rivers" that come in from the ocean and go well inland. We took our time Saturday morning letting it warm up. We had to go back to the hotel room twice, first for Cathy's sunglasses and then the map. But eventually we got up to Kennebunkport where we were starting from. It hadn't really warmed up but we were here so we were riding. Any other riders we saw very enthusiastically greeted us perhaps glad to see others braving the temps. The sky was cloudy but the sun was supposed to come out at 1:00.
Cathy was once again very appreciative of the ride along the ocean and all there was to see. This was not a part of Maine she had spent any time in so it was all new to her.
You go by the Bush house fairly soon.
This picture and the one below is Cape Porpoise, one
of my favorite out and backs in the trip.
The ride continues through Goose Rocks Beach and then along to Fortunes Rocks. So much of this is right along the ocean. When you get to the end of this beach you take a side trip out to Biddeford Pool which is a peninsula. It is gorgeous out there. The beginning of it looks lived in year round but out on the tip it seems to be mostly beach houses. There was no traffic and very few people around for a lot of the ride which made for great riding.
Fortune's Rocks - surfers which once again were everywhere
all the time
Biddeford Pool

After Biddeford Pool we headed to the University of New England. We stopped for a quick snack and a bathroom break then headed up to Biddeford to cross the river to head down to Old Orchard. I was a bit confused (and still am) over what was Biddeford and what was Saco. We were never along water for this although I found parts of Biddeford - an old mill town - quite attractive while other parts - not so much. We definitely were not on the scenic route and as I was getting tired and we were still headed north I questioned how I would last the whole day. We were in traffic a fair amount through here and I was pleased over how I did with all the stopping at red lights etc. I was quite comfortable but careful. We finally got to Old Orchard but you are not along the beach. It is several dead ends where you walk over the dunes to get to the beach, nothing special for bike riding. After going up a ways we gave up and turned around. We went along Route 9 and it was quite nice although a longer way than the way we had come. We missed a turn in Biddeford and ended up going on Route 1, a busier road than any we had been on. The good news was it is a pretty direct route, fairly flat and saved us a lot of miles and time. I was definitely tired and worried about losing daylight. We took the turn onto route 9 again to Kennebunkport. The road was recently paved and great to ride on. I was not sure where we were going to come out. I noticed when we got to the part where I got lost last spring but I just went with what I thought was right and it worked! We got back to the car having ridden 55 miles. I know I rode 78 miles last weekend but this day 55 was plenty. We stopped at the Maine Diner on the way back where I ate what I always eat and it was fantastic. I guess I was starving because I didn't even stop to take pictures. I had clam chowder and a lobster roll. I began with a Shipyard Pumpkin Ale which was one of the best beers I have ever had but I think I said that last time I had one here. I think it must be all the miles on the bike that enhances the taste. I ended with a piece of pumpkin cake that was yummy!

Back in Kennebunkport, more surfers and paddlers??
Sunday I had hoped to do a run and ride. The time change helped with this as I was able to run quite early and what a run it was! I have not been loving the runs but this one had a smile on my face for most of it. I can never get enough of my light house route and even though I had ridden it a couple of times I loved running it. The temperature was perfect, it was low tide for a good run right on the beach for a short part of it and the sun was out in full force!
The sunrise that greeted me as I went on my run Sunday morning.
Running on the road where there are so many sights of the ocean.
I love this peninsula the lighthouse is on.
Sunrise at Nubble Point.
Even with the wires I love this sight when I come around the
corner to look out on the Atlantic Ocean.
I went back along the beach and met Cathy who was out on her bike. I went and changed and joined her. We did the light house route again where I had my
10 seconds of terror and then continued north. We didn't go far as we had things to do but we did some rides on some back roads looking at houses and seeing how the other half lives.
Nubble Lighthouse from a different spot while
cruising the neighborhoods
I hated to leave but no one is paying me to stay in Maine and bike and run. The good news was we had something fun to do on the way home. Emily was in NH to help pace Ali to a PR in the Manchester City Marathon. Originally they were running the NYC marathon which I never intended to go see. But Manchester was on my way home more or less so this worked out great. We just missed seeing them at the 20 mile mark but we did catch them at the end. I have to say watching it did really make me want to do a running race again preferably a half marathon! The one I always do in February has changed the date so not sure when my next one will be though. This marathon intrigued me even though reports are it is very hilly, I may come back next fall to do the half. No desire whatsoever to go back to marathons. I have all I can do fitting in running, biking and swimming and doing enough running to run halves.
Emily and Ali at 18 I think. (stolen from Ali's blog)
At the finish - we did see them but Emily did not hear me screaming:(
Emily and Ali hugging - Ali has a 22 minute PR!
Emily, Ali and Lauren
Emily with her munchkins I brought her - much appreciated
We hung out for a bit with Emily and her friends. It was great meeting Ali and Lauren. It is strange to see someone who you have seen so much on line that you feel you know them. I was chatting away to Ali's boyfriend like I had known him forever but of course he knows nothing about me.
Then we headed out. A great weekend but it was time for it to come to an end. And as Dorothy said:
There's no place like home!