I was tagged by Alisa at Ambitious Aspirations make great accomplishments to tell 21 random things about myself. I'll give it a try.
1. I love desserts and have a real sweet tooth. I particularly like pumpkin and chocolate.
2. I am a cat person but I have recently fallen in love with a puppy.
3. I really don't like to cook much. I especially hate having to cook supper (yeah, that's what we say here in Vermont) night after night.
4. Friday night I don't cook supper because on Friday nights it is time to have popcorn for supper.
5. I taught school one year in Northern Canada (Chibougamau, Quebec) and LOVED it.
6. Summer is not my favorite season. It is a distant third.
7. I have taught school for more years than my children have been alive.
8. I like to read cheesy magazines.
9. I don't watch much tv but I love tv series DVDs.
10. I love coffee. It has to be hot and flavored with hot being the most important attribute.
11. I love to organize things. I wish I could be paid for it.
12. I don't like public speaking at all.
13. If I travel somewhere, I want to have travel books about the place, I want to read books set there and find out as much as I can both before and after I go.
14. I didn't learn to swim until I was about 11 years old. I never got good at it (although I am working on it now!).
15. If there weren't such things as races I probably wouldn't run.
16. I have a very dry sense of humor and appreciate it in others.
17. Patrick Dempsey has a crush on me.
18. If I couldn't live near the mountains I would want to live near the ocean.
19. The state I most want to visit is Alaska.
20. The country I most want to visit is Ireland.
21. A place I have been I want to go back to is Italy. (And of course DC!)
This was fun to do.
If you haven't been tagged go ahead and do it. I love reading these about other people.
14 hours ago